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How Does Ultherapy® Focused Ultrasound Therapy Work?

Unlike lasers, which penetrate your skin from the outside-in, Ultherapy® bypasses the top of skin, specifically targetingultherapy-machine-NYC Anti Aging Clinic the deep, structural skin tissues where collagen lives. Using ultrasound technology, Ultherapy® actually works from the inside-out to lift and tighten skin non-invasively.   In some ways, Ultherapy® is just like an ultrasound imaging procedure that expectant mothers may receive. A smooth handpiece is placed on your skin and an image of the tissue beneath is projected on a screen. This allows your practitioner to “see” where they will treat your skin.

But here’s the difference: with Ultherapy®, that very same handpiece is also used to deliver tiny deposits of focused ultrasound energy at just the right depth below the skin, to the same foundational layer typically addressed in a surgical facelift.

Your body’s response to this energy is to recondition tired skin by stimulating the growth of fresh, new collagen. The outcome is a tightening and gradual lifting-or shifting-of your skin back into a much more youthful position and form-fitting shape.

Who is a Good Candidate for Ultherapy®?

Ultherapy® is an ideal treatment option for someone with skin that has become lax to the point of looking, and often feeling, less firm.  Optimal candidates are between the ages of 30 and 65 with mild to moderate skin laxity.

We feature the lastest generation Ulthera System, built in 2021! That means 50% less discomfort & much Better Results! Call for a Free Consultation! 1-888-725-6262